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DNA Bird Sexing results in 2 or 3 working days from only £22!

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chXout® Applied Genetics is a registered trademark of Complement Genomics Ltd.

Complement Genomics is a leading, highly rated UK based laboratory with over 20 years testing experience.

10 years experience in DNA Bird Sexing!

Based at the prestigious Durham Genome Centre in Lanchester, County Durham.

Our rural idyll fortuitously led us to the DNA sexing of peregrine falcons and as a result our flagship non-human DNA testing service, chXout®, was formed.


We have worked with many large clients since the start of our DNA bird sexing service who choose to return to us each breeding season. Please take a look at some of our reviews on Trustpilot!


chXout® belongs to Complement Genomics Ltd, a long-established and trusted DNA testing company serving professionals & the general public with DNA testing since April 2000.

Fungi Identification
Customer Care

We have a dedicated chXout® customer service contact for a professional and personal service. We are UK based and will never send your samples overseas for testing. 


 Quality assured DNA testing. If we do not achieve the result the first time, we will repeat the experiment free of charge, depending on sample quality and quantity.