
Bird Sexing

£22.00£32.00 inc. VAT

SKU: AVS Category:

Celebrating 10 Years of experience in DNA bird sexing!

DNA Bird Sexing Quick Notes

  • Turnaround time 2 or 3 working days (April-July).
  • Sample type: eggshell membrane, blood or feather.
  • Please ensure that eggshell samples are dried thoroughly before posting.
  • Wet or powdery samples increase the possibility of not achieving a result.
  • In a hurry to get your results? You do not need to wait for us to send out a sampling kit: You can use any Ziploc bag (or equivalent) to send egg membrane or feather samples as long as it has not been used for anything else. Simply print off or email us the sample submission form below.
  • If the sample submission form is emailed to us – don’t forget to include your sample ID and client reference on the samples!
  • Payment can be completed after we have received the samples but must be finalised before results are provided.

chXout® is a trusted, dedicated provider of a reliable and accurate bird DNA testing service. A valuable service for bird keepers, breeders and pet owners across the UK. A DNA test can determine if your bird is male or female at any age using an egg membrane, blood or feather sample.

Bird gender determination was the very first service to be offered by chXout® when our rural idyll fortuitously led us to the sexing of peregrine falcons in 2015. We are proud to have built up a database of bird species we have sexed. From barn owls to hooded vultures, penguins to parrots and more. 

If your species is not on our database, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We will always do our best to help where possible. It is not always necessary, however, if you or someone you know has a known female of the species you are looking to sex, this is super helpful as we can test a sample free of charge as a control for the analysis. 


If you would like us to send out a free sampling kit, please email

  1. Collect a blood, feather or egg membrane sample using the Sampling Instructions document.
  2. Ensure that your samples are sealed securely and labelled correctly.
  3. Package your samples safely, including your client reference for identification.
  4. Send your samples to us at chXout, The Durham Genome Centre, Park House, Station Road, Lanchester, DH7 0EX.
  5. Please ensure that the correct postage is used for the size of the letter or parcel to avoid any delays due to insufficient postage. Further information can be found via Royal Mail.
Bird Sexing

New Client?

We would appreciate if you could complete and new client form to send to us via email or alongside your first set of samples please.

DNA species ID

We do not operate on weekends or bank holidays and the day your sample is logged at our laboratory is considered “day 0.”

When your sample arrives with us, you will receive an email to confirm sample receipt and expected due date. 

Results are provided within the turnaround time chosen by email with a report as a PDF attachment. Payments must be completed in full for the provision of results.


Our standard service is a 3 working day turnaround priced at £22 per sample (incl. VAT).

Our express service offers a 2 working day turnaround priced at £32 per sample (incl. VAT).

(Please note that the day the samples arrive at the laboratory is considered 'day 0')

Our preferred sample submission type is egg membrane. Understandably, this is not always an option so we do also accept:

• At least 6 (where possible) freshly plucked feathers (not cut)

• Blood samples on a cotton swab, in a test tube or syringe

If you do not feel comfortable or confident collecting feather of blood samples, you may wish to seek help from an experienced handler or veterinarian.

We tend to advise not to send mouth swabs as the results can be less reliable especially depending on the birds diet. We will consider this option as a last resort and it is best to please contact us to discuss first. Please see our sample submission page for further information.

If the sample has been taken incorrectly or mixed with another sample, this can lead to an inconclusive or false result for that bird. If you believe that a sample has been contaminated or mixed, please repeat the sampling process.

If we suspect that samples may have been cross contaminated whilst in transit to us, we will let you know as soon as possible with any relevant information for you to decide how you would like to proceed. If you have any questions regarding the sampling process, please see the information included with your sampling kit or our sample submission help page.

Your turnaround time will depend on your chosen service and/or chosen turnaround time.

During "bird season" (April-July), the day the samples arrive at the laboratory is considered 'day 0'. So as an example: if we received samples on a Thursday on a 3 working day turnaround, the results would be due out to you by the end of the following Tuesday.

Outside of bird season (1 August-1 April), DNA extraction will take place on the following Tuesday with results due on the Friday. This will be at the regular service price of £22 (incl. VAT).

Your results will be sent to you via email as a PDF attachment before 5pm on your due date.
If your results are ready early we will send them out to you as soon as they are available
Please note that during busy periods results may be sent after 5pm
Your result may be classed as indicative if we have only been able to achieve a weak DNA profile which does not pass our quality control.
Your result may also be classed as indicative if we have not processed a sample for your species before.
This is not a problem and we are always happy to test new species. If you have another bird of the same species which you know to be female, we would very much appreciate it if you could also send a sample from that bird as well for us to test free of charge as a control.

If you do not have a known female sample, we are happy to go ahead with the test without one. Please note that this may only achieve an indicative of male or female result if the test does not pass our quality control. It is possible that some more unusual new species could take longer than the turnaround time specified as some species can have little quirks and one process does not always work the same for all! We would of course let you know as soon as possible if a result is going to be delayed.
Yes we can provide a test certificate upon request at an additional charge to cover admin and postage. Please contact us at if this is something you would be interested in.

Please note that during our busy period (April-July) we may not be able to provide certificates until the busy period has ended or we may be able to advise of a certificate turnaround time upon request.
If your report result says "no profile" this means that unfortunately we were unable to recover a DNA profile from the sample. We will always attempt to achieve a result up to three times depending on the amount of viable sample remaining.

We will always advise in your email sample receipt if a sample is degraded i.e. wet, mouldy, powdery or smelly. This can sometimes mean that there is a lower chance of achieving a result. If you decide that you do not want to go ahead at this stage, please let us know as soon as possible.

There is still a charge for a "no profile" result as all of the process, if not up to three repeats of the process, will have been attempted to try to achieve a result.

How does bird DNA testing work?

DNA Bird Sexing Reviews

Take a look at our Trustpilot page to read more!

“Excellent service, great communication and very good value for money.”
July 2024

“Reliable accurate and trustworthy”
Craft Falconry (July 2024)

“An Excellent service, i was kept informed of what & when things happened. Will definitely be using again.”
June 2024

“An easy to use service. Results always on time. Good communication and great results”
June 2024

“Always very professional. Great online service for completion of forms to payment. Excellent customer service. Have used for several years and know I can always rely on them.”
May 2024

“Top class service, fantastic turn about of samples. Priced well..use this company year in year out..keep it up guys.”
June 2023

“Always easy to deal with and quick timely results. The improvements in paying online this year have saved alot of time. Clear instructions of how to send samples and once you have used them they send sample equipment ready for the new season”
June 2023